Friday, November 30, 2018

The Love of my LIfe

The Love of my Life

The story “The love of my life” is about Jeremy and China, two teenage high school students who were in love. They spend all their time together and they always thought of each other. Both were A’s students and had a bright future in the best Universities. Like any other promiscuous teenager, they were sexually active. Even though they had sex, they were very careful not to get pregnant. China was on the pill, and Jeremy always carry condoms. They believe bringing an unwanted baby would bring problems and destroyed their future, and teenagers who get pregnant are stupid and irresponsible. Things got out of control when China got pregnant. Jeremey didn’t want to have the baby and though about abortion. China didn’t want an abortion and didn’t want the baby either. When China gave birth, and what supposed to be one of the happiest days of their lives became a murder scene. China didn’t want the baby and told Jeremy to get rid of it. He put the baby on a plastic bag, and without thinking twice dumped the bag in to a dumpster.

China and Jeremy share similarities with most teenagers, they believe it would not happen to them, and teenagers who get pregnant are irresponsible. I believe they are the irresponsible and stupid, because they were aware of the consequences. When she got pregnant, they didn’t think through, and without thinking twice they murder their own baby. Worries and stress got to them, because they were afraid to lose everything, but at the end they lost more, and end up in jail. Now, they are not the smartest students anymore, and their future is ruin.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Article Quote Sandwich

 Article Quote Sandwich
       In the Article “Toxic Dust and Asthma Plague Salton Sea Communities” the sea is shrinking faster than we think. In the next years the sea wouldn’t not receive water from the Colorado River making the shrinking process faster. The shrinking would expose toxic dust that lay in the shores of the sea. when high winds comes it would create a dust ball that would travel all across the valley and other communities cause respiratory issues. Nearest communities already show kids suffering from asthma, allergies and other respiratory issues. According to Eva, a mother of three children's with asthma said, “I know asthma is going to get worse for the kids.” “If it doesn’t get fixed, there is going to be a lot of ill people with breathing problems.” The risk is high if nothing is done. I don't have to be an environment, or health expert to know asthma is increasing as the sea shrinks. Things only would get worst, but we are still on time to prevent it.

Community Profile Quote Sandwich

Community Profile Quote Sandwich
            Couple years back in the way to Indio, Ca with my brother, for the first time, I encountered the Salton Sea. The smell of rotten fish and the enormous amount of water was something I never seen before. I only heard stories about the sea, and I didn’t know anything about it, but my brother Israel who is involve and worry about issues in our valley told me all about it. He explained to me the importance of the sea, and how is affecting us. “The sea is dying, and nobody is doing anything about it, but we are still on time to fix thing up.'' My brother seemed to understand how vital the sea is to the Imperial Valley, and with a sense of optimism he believes the sea can be transformed. "Is a long way to go and actions should be done now," he said. I agree if we don’t do anything it would damage our ecosystem and create health issues. Now, every time I drove by the Salton sea is hard to ignore that the sea needs to be safe for the benefit of our communities.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Save the Salton Sea

Saving the Salton Sea
            In the article “California Far from Solution as Salton Sea Crisis Looms,” the authors described how the Salton Sea in the Imperial Valley is rapidly shrinking causing health problem. As the sea shrinks, it would create respiratory problems that would affect cities as far as San Diego and Coachella. California government has a preventing plan to reduce the fast shrinking of the sea and protect the fauna, but so far, nothing has been done. Residents who lives around the sea are frustrated with government official because they haven’t done anything, and their children are getting sick with respiratory health problems like Asthma. Imperial County has the highest rate of Asthma, and as the sea shrinks respiratory issues would increase. The Dust created by high winds would not only cause health issues but create an economical reduction of tourism to the Coachella area. The conservation of the Salton Sea is vital for the benefits of people around, and protection of the fauna.


Today, people are overusing natural resources without noticing the negative impact that is causing to our planet. Each year, more air pollution, water contamination and trash, are accumulating affecting our ecosystem. Contamination is something that people need to take seriously. My brother taught me we can make the difference little by little.   My brother is a person wo cares about others, loves the environment, and cares about the future of this planet. Growing up, he was mocked for being different and caring for the environment. He was always involved in the Arts and environmental movements. He knew the importance of recycling and protecting our ecosystem. He joined several environmental movements in Mexicali, and through his art, he expressed the importance being conscientious about the use of natural resources. He used his gift of art to express the issues in our environment. He held several art expositions throughout the Imperial Valley spreading awareness of these issues. The first time I went to one of his art expositions, I saw the real issues the world is facing. I felt proud of my brother’s accomplishments. Through his Art, I was able to make changes to better the outcome of our future planet.

Community Profile

Anecdote- Faces of Imperial

            Couple years back, I was looking for a job as an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) and a friend told me about this company in Indio CA that were hiring. I had never been to Indio before. Even though it was far from home I needed a job quickly and I was willing to commute for the job. I ask my oldest brother Israel to come with me since he knew the road and the area. The next day, we started driving to Indio. We took Hwy 86 North the easiest and faster way. As we past Brawley City and Westmorland I started to notice an unusual smell. At first, I tried to ignore it, but every mile we drove. The smell was getting stronger and hard to ignore. It smelled like rotten old fish, a similar smell you would find on the beach. For a second, it thought it was a dead animal at the side of the road, or even old forgotten food inside my car. It was something unusual because all around me was just farm fields and desert. In the distance miles away into the desert, it appeared what it looked like a lake. It spread from miles long and wide. I had never seen something like that so close to the Valley. I ask my brother if he knew something about it and he told it wasn’t a lake. In fact, it was a sea, The Salton Sea. He told me is a dying sea that is polluted, drying up, and nobody is doing nothing about it. He told everything he knew about the sea, and how is affecting our ecosystem. He also explained to me how contamination overall is killing our ecosystem.

My brother has always been a person who care about the environment and is related to the Arts. He is very good painting and he expresses environmental issues through his paintings. He had held art exposition where he addresses environmental issues that affects not only our valley, but the whole world. Through him I was able to learn the importance of the environment, and prevention. Because of my brother, I had learned to recycle, and how to do my part by protecting the fauna. Today, my brother is still painting and exploring different ways to create awareness of the issues that are affecting us all. Now, every time I drove by the Salton Sea I remember my brother efforts, and that we still need to work hard for the preservation of our natural resources and environment.

Book of My Past

"A Confederacy of Dunes"
The novel from by past is “A Confederacy of Dunes” by John Kennedy Toole. I started reading this book by the begging of last year. This book was given to me as a gift by a good friend, for let her stay at my apartment for several days while she visited her family. She knew I just finished a book, and I had no other book to read. Also, she knew I started a reading habit to better my vocabulary and writing. When she left, as a way of saying thank you, she gave me the book. At first, I didn’t recognize the book, and I had never heard of it, but the colorful cover was appealing, and had good reviews on the back cover. Right away, I started reading the book, and for my surprise is was very interesting, and funny. Every day, for the next two month I read the book at home and work. I carried the book everywhere I went.  The novel is about a childish grown old man name Ignatius J. Reilly who still lives with her mother. He spends most of his time writing, but her mother wants him to get out of the house and get a real job. He believes there is no good job for him and prefers to stay home and enjoy pleasures of life. He is lazy, arrogant, selfish, and doesn’t care for other. One day, his mother convinces him to get a job. He worked on several different job, and every single time he manipulates people around him to do his work. He doesn’t care about the consequences of his accts and people get affected by them. One day, all his plans start falling apart when people around him really started to know him. Consequently, he is thrown in jail and nobody believes a word of what he says. He ends ups alone, and even his mother believes he is going insane. Rapidly and with no time to waste he escapes town to avoid persecution. I really enjoyed this book, and still remembered it because it brought me laugh and a good time. I would strongly recommend this novel for anybody who wonts to have a good time and expand their vocabulary. I would say this is the best novel I have ever read.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Border Line Personality

Border Line Personality
Border Line Personality Disorder is a condition that characterized by difficulty regulating emotions.  BLP disorder affect people by not able to cope with stress causing them to lose themselves in deep emotions. These individuals have trouble getting back to their normal mental status and tent to express stress by dangerous behavior. Each individual is different and the reaction varies from the stressor. Susanna have this same condition, she get lost in her own emotions after she doesn’t get was she wants or something triggered her. For example, as her wisdom tooth was removed she was sedated and she didn’t know how long she was sedated and how much times her procedure took. For her time is valuable because she believe something has been taken from her. As she couldn’t get an answer, she got anxious and started to cry. In other occasion, she started to bite her hand to see if she had bones inside her and not just skin. She wanted to see if she was herself and not somebody else. Personally, as a Paramedic I have encountered people with this condition. Once an individual is focus and triggered is hard for them to get back into reality. Is like you are speaking to the wall and they don’t care what is going around them. Most of the times because of their violent reactions, I have to sedate them to transport them to the hospital safely.

Airport Screeners Could See X-rated X-Ray

Airport Screeners Could See X-rated X-ray
In the article “Airport Screeners Could See X-rated X-rays,” Joe Sharkey states airport screeners violates personal privacy and is not really efficient against treats. Sharkey believes X-rays screeners is not and efficient method of providing security in the air port, and no matter how extensive is the security system there are always a way to violate security. I disagree.  X-rays scanners are essential and needed for the security of all air ports. X-rays screeners would bring a safer atmosphere to passengers and will eliminate possible treats against people. Although X-rays screeners would keep people safe, it would violate personal privacy.
First of all, X-rays screeners are a needed and essential tool in all airports for the protection of all people. Today, we live in a world of constant political instability. Treats and attacks had been made in all parts of the world killing thousands of innocent people. For example, The United States is a primary target for terrorist attacks which creates fear among passengers.  X-rays screeners would not only help stop terrorist trying to smuggle explosives or weapons that could kill thousands of people, but  It would create a safer atmosphere among passengers knowing that each person has to be screener. According to Homeland Security Department, X-rays screeners are necessary because normal metal detectors did a miserable job detecting explosive artifacts or weapons concealed in carry-on bags or on the bodies of undercover agents.  Also, it would help stop drug smugglers that are related with drug Cartels. For instance, I had travel several occasions in and out of the USA, and knowing that each person has to be screener and meticulous check. It makes me feel safer and protected.
On the other hand, walking through X-rays screeners violates the privacy of each passenger. Privacy and technology consultant Bill Scannell said, “Well, You’ll see basically everything.” He states screeners show a person anatomy in detail, so whoever is watching the screen is able to see you completely naked. It doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree, if you are traveling you would need to pass through the X-rays scanner, so people can be safer. Security expert, Mr.Elson argues no matter how many X-rays screener’s airport uses, terrorist or other treats would always found holes in the security system. In other words, screeners are not really necessary and efficient for the protection of people. For instance, only when I travel back to the USA I encountered long security checkpoint that takes hours to pass creating only delays. Once, you get to the checkpoint they make you take off your shoes, personal belonging and makes you walk through the X-rays scanner. It makes you feel like if you are some sort of terrorist or criminal. All personal can see you literally with clothes and without clothes with no minimal concern of your privacy. 
Today, we live in a world of constant political instability, treats, and attacks that kill thousands of innocent people each year. Unfortunately, there is nothing that we can do about past attacks. However, we can prevent it from happening with X-ray screeners. I strongly believe security systems in airport should be constantly changing and evolving for the protection of people. X-rays scanners are an essential tool of preventing future attacks or other treats that can create chaos among innocent travelers. People should learn that is more value and important to prevent an attack and to safe a live over minimal privacy issues. Again, I believe It is better to be safe than sorry.

Friday, May 25, 2018


Auggie is a young kid who was born with a congenital facial deformity. He goes into multiple facial reconstruction surgeries as he grows up. Even though with the love and support of his family, growing up was hard for him.  At age of 10 years old, he goes to school for the first time. Since the first day of class, he is not accepted and is bullied because of his appearance. He has big trouble fitting in. Until, he made his first friend. Unfortunately, he loses his best friend, but he makes new ones. With his determination and the help of his friends, he is able to fit in as normal kid. For the first time in his life, he is accepted, and feels normal for the first time.  

David Bowie & Spiders from Mars

David Bowie
David Bowie was a musician from London, England. Growing up he was influence by the revolutionary era of the 60’s. His interest in the cosmic, psychedelic and futuristic style help him released his most important single. In 1963, he released “Space Oddity.” Soon, he was recognized as one of the best and most influential European song writer of the time. In 1972, he released one of the best albums ever known, “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders of Mars.” His albums catch the recognition of his music in the rest of the world.  After years of musical carrier, he was recognized as the best musician of the new era. In 2016, he lost the battle against cancer and died at the age of 69 years of age. Same year, the Rolling Stone Magazine name David Bowie, “The Greatest Rock Star Ever.” Today, his music is heard in every corner of the world.

Twilight Zone- The Eye of the Beholder

Twilight Zone- The Eye of the Beholder
We live in a society where physical beauty and appearance is more important than inner beauty. In the episode of the “Eye of the Beholder” Janet is an individual desperate to live a normal life. Throughout her live she has gone through multiple facial reconstruction surgeries to be normal. In the society she lives, people are not accepted and are segregated away from society because they are different and ugly. She is force to her last facial surgery to appear normal, but as she takes off all her bandages nothing is how she expected to be.  She sees herself as an ugly and deformed individual. She doesn’t understand why she has to be different, and why she can’t be accepted for she who really is. Today, our society is no different than the one Janet is living because we put more importance in the outer beauty than the inner beauty. People believe the answer to have a happy life and be accepted is beauty. Television is the number one source to create a false image among society. People believe a false image is what really matters. For example, fashion models portray a false image by being skinny, fashionable and using a lot of makeup.  This false image creates conflicts among the youth making them believe they are not beautiful and creating low self steam. I believe beauty is not what you see in the mirror, and everybody is beautiful in their own way.  People shouldn’t be treated different just because they look different. We live in a society where we have multiple cultures and ethnicities, but it doesn’t make us different. We should learn to love our self and accept who we really are because at the end nobody is perfect.

"Girl, Interrupted"

                 In the novel “Girl Interupted” the author explains in the last chapter a Vermeer painting of a young girl changed Susanna life in a blink of an eye. The first time Susanna saw the Vermeer painting at the age of seventeen she knew something was going on in her head, and saw warning to her life, but at the moment she didn’t understand it. I believe the trip to The Frick was the most valuable part in to Susanna life because she was able to portrait herself through the Vermeer painting. She saw her life was stopped like the girl in the painting. Although she didn’t know the exact meaning of the painting she was able to understand it years later. 
                When Susanna was seventeen years of age, she was visiting for the first the The Frick Art Center with his lover English teacher. Even though he was her English teacher something romantically was going between them. As she was walking through the halls of the Frick, she encountered multiple painting in the walls, but none of them catch her attention. Until, she came across paintings that stand out. It was a Vermeer painting of a young girl with deep brown eyes sitting on a chair ignoring her beefy music teacher. The painting had a dark warm winter essence, but the face of the young girl was brighter. It looked like the girl was looking directly into Susanna and warning her about something. The girl lips were open saying “Don’t!”  As Susanna stepped back to compliment the painting form a different point. The girl in the painting told her “wait! Don’t go!”
                Susanna knew it was a direct warning to her, but she didn’t understand it, and ignore it. She eventually went crazy and institutionalized.  Throughout her stance at the mental hospital, she was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. From the point she got in to the hospital, she knew something unclear was in her mind like if something needed explanation. Throughout her stay at the hospital she tried to comprehend what was really wrong with her.  Even though she was discharged from the hospital she still felt the need of an answer to her whole life.  Years later, she visited The Frick Art Center for a second time. For a moment, she forgot she had been at the Frick before, and remembered the Vermeer painting. Without losing time, she went directly to the painting. This time, the painting appeared different as if the years transformed it. She saw the painting in a different point of view. The girl in the painting, “She was no longer urgent,” the girl appeared sad, distracted, and her teacher was bearing down to grab her attention. The young girl was looking out and away, as she was looking for someone to see her. Susanna noticed the name of the painting “Girl Interrupted at her Music,” at that moment all her questions, emotions and concerns where answered. For the first time, she was able to see herself as the girl in the painting. Susanna knew her life was interrupted at very young age, and a big part of her life was taken away. Like the girl in the painting, she was trap in a moment that she can’t recover. Susanna with tears on hear eye said “I see you,” she saw the girl needed help and wanted to escape, but help never got to her.  The Vermeer painting closed a chapter in Susanna life, and she was finally able to comprehend and accept what happened to her.
                Through Susanna’s eyes, in “Girl, Interrupted,” I realized that a mental problem is not only a disorder, but a reality.  I learned how a person can struggle to overcome their own thoughts.  Additionally, I saw how a person can not only lose friends, and family, but they can also lose themselves as an individual. Everybody is prone to fall into some kind of mental disorder, and is something that needs our entire attention and help. I enjoy reading this novel because it helps me see mental disorder in a different prospective.  I strongly recommend this book to anyone who wants a better inside of living with mental disorder is.   

The Mayas and Me (Tattoo)

The idea of my tattoo came up from a vacation trip to Can  It was my first time knowing in detail about the Mayan culture and how they used to live. I was fascinated with the culture, pyramids, traditions, language, calendar and numbers. I was amused how a civilization could be so advanced. One thing in particular that grabbed my attention was how numbers used to be for them. Simple symbols like bars, dots, and figures that represent complex numbers.   From different ancient cultures of the world the Mayan culture is fascinating because it was not only a great civilization, but they are my roots as a Mexican. A tattoo of the Mayan numbers would not only represent my cultural background, but would help me remember where I came from.  Although I would never get a tattoo soon, a tattoo of Mayan numbers would represent me as an individual.
cun, Mexico two years ago.

The idea of getting a tattoo on any part of your body sounds crazy for many people, but today you can get a tattoo anywhere you want. Tattoos have been around for many centuries, and in many parts of the world they are considered part of the culture. Today, people get tattoos to represent a tribe, for ceremonial purposes, religious believes, government rebellion, prove a point, fashion, feel cool or accepted. More than just ink in your body it represents emotions and expression of an individual.  For example, many people who are passionate for music and see it as an inspiration tool for their life. They tend to get music related tattoos like instruments, lyrics, sound waves or even the name of their favorite band.  Whether we like it or not, tattoos are part of our modern culture and the popularity is increasing every day. I believe tattoos are a way of silent expression and we should appreciate the art of it. Tattoos are more than ink in people skin is the feeling and emotions of each individual.

If I ever get a tattoo, it would be a modified Mayan number ten on my right inner forearm. My tattoo would consist of one solid black two inches long bar and parallel to it three solid black three millimeters dots, and followed by two more solid black dots shaping the tattoo like a pyramid. The tattoo would represent each member of my family. The long solid black bar with the three dots parallel to it would represent my seven siblings and me. The two dots at the front would represent my parents who are the pillars of the family. Like the Mayan pyramid Chichen Itza it would represent unity, strength, love and a bond that last forever.  The tattoo would be in my right forearm because my family is always on my side and support me in any circumstances.  Also, the Mayan numbers represent my cultural background as Mexican and to never forget where I came from. I believe people around me would look into my tattoo and might just see figures of ink in my skin, but it is more than that.  I would feel proud of it because it would represent not only my family, but my Mexican culture.
Each individual has their own opinions of tattoos, but I believe tattoos are more than images in your skin. It is the reflection of somebody’s experience, thoughts, culture, and expression. I connect with the idea of getting this tattoo someday because it makes me feel like I am part of the Mayan culture and feel proud of it. The Mayan number ten in my right inner forearm is what connects me with my family, Mexican background and it is a tribute to a great culture and traditions. People should understand that no matter what cultural background you come from you should always respect and honor it. I believe tattoos are more than ink in your body to appear cool among society. It is a way of telling the whole world who you are and what you believe.

Book of My Past

Book of My Past
My book from my past is the novel “The First True Lie” by Marina Mender. I bought this book in Bars and Nobel of San Diego by the beginning of the year. I was looking for an entertaining and interested book to read in my spear time at work. After looking through the vast quantity of book Bars and Novels can offer. I encountered this book in the psychological fiction area. Initially, what grabbed my attention was the cover of the book. A young boy sitting on chair and what appears to be the living room of his home. He is sitting on a chair in a reclining position whit his arms in the back of his head just relaxing, free of stress and contemplating an easy child’s world.  Second of all, the title of the book “The First True Lie” reminded me of the first lie someone ever told me that at the end and over time was true. The novel is about a 10 year old boy who lives with his single mother. He lives a normal life like any other young kid of his age, but he is worry and obsesses what a miserable life would be without parents. His mother who is depressed for the lack of love in her life starts taking anti depressants. One morning before going to school, he noticed his mom didn’t wake up form bed like she normally does. He ignores it because he knows how exhausting her mother job could be, so he goes to school. When he comes back home from school, his mother is still in bed. At that point he got concern of her mother and goes to check on her only to found out she is dead. The young boy gets submerged in deep emotions, but doesn’t really know how to react. The first thing that pops into his head is what a people would think of him and what kind of awful life would he have now that he is orphanage. He creates a plan that no one would ever know his mom is death and he is orphanage. He starts to live his life like nothing ever happened with his decomposing mother’s death body still on bed.  One of my favorite parts of the book is when his best friend comes home to do homework. As soon he enters the house he says “it smells funny” and ask where is his mother? Without saying more he told him his mother is just sleeping on the other room and she would not bother us for the whole day.  I really enjoyed this novel because it reminds me how child’s minds are and how they see things different. I strongly recommend this novel because you can see and go into a child head in time of stress in a funny, entertain and easy way of reading.