Sunday, September 30, 2018

Save the Salton Sea

Saving the Salton Sea
            In the article “California Far from Solution as Salton Sea Crisis Looms,” the authors described how the Salton Sea in the Imperial Valley is rapidly shrinking causing health problem. As the sea shrinks, it would create respiratory problems that would affect cities as far as San Diego and Coachella. California government has a preventing plan to reduce the fast shrinking of the sea and protect the fauna, but so far, nothing has been done. Residents who lives around the sea are frustrated with government official because they haven’t done anything, and their children are getting sick with respiratory health problems like Asthma. Imperial County has the highest rate of Asthma, and as the sea shrinks respiratory issues would increase. The Dust created by high winds would not only cause health issues but create an economical reduction of tourism to the Coachella area. The conservation of the Salton Sea is vital for the benefits of people around, and protection of the fauna.

1 comment:

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