Sunday, September 30, 2018


Today, people are overusing natural resources without noticing the negative impact that is causing to our planet. Each year, more air pollution, water contamination and trash, are accumulating affecting our ecosystem. Contamination is something that people need to take seriously. My brother taught me we can make the difference little by little.   My brother is a person wo cares about others, loves the environment, and cares about the future of this planet. Growing up, he was mocked for being different and caring for the environment. He was always involved in the Arts and environmental movements. He knew the importance of recycling and protecting our ecosystem. He joined several environmental movements in Mexicali, and through his art, he expressed the importance being conscientious about the use of natural resources. He used his gift of art to express the issues in our environment. He held several art expositions throughout the Imperial Valley spreading awareness of these issues. The first time I went to one of his art expositions, I saw the real issues the world is facing. I felt proud of my brother’s accomplishments. Through his Art, I was able to make changes to better the outcome of our future planet.

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