Friday, October 19, 2018

Community Profile Quote Sandwich

Community Profile Quote Sandwich
            Couple years back in the way to Indio, Ca with my brother, for the first time, I encountered the Salton Sea. The smell of rotten fish and the enormous amount of water was something I never seen before. I only heard stories about the sea, and I didn’t know anything about it, but my brother Israel who is involve and worry about issues in our valley told me all about it. He explained to me the importance of the sea, and how is affecting us. “The sea is dying, and nobody is doing anything about it, but we are still on time to fix thing up.'' My brother seemed to understand how vital the sea is to the Imperial Valley, and with a sense of optimism he believes the sea can be transformed. "Is a long way to go and actions should be done now," he said. I agree if we don’t do anything it would damage our ecosystem and create health issues. Now, every time I drove by the Salton sea is hard to ignore that the sea needs to be safe for the benefit of our communities.

1 comment:

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