Friday, May 25, 2018

Twilight Zone- The Eye of the Beholder

Twilight Zone- The Eye of the Beholder
We live in a society where physical beauty and appearance is more important than inner beauty. In the episode of the “Eye of the Beholder” Janet is an individual desperate to live a normal life. Throughout her live she has gone through multiple facial reconstruction surgeries to be normal. In the society she lives, people are not accepted and are segregated away from society because they are different and ugly. She is force to her last facial surgery to appear normal, but as she takes off all her bandages nothing is how she expected to be.  She sees herself as an ugly and deformed individual. She doesn’t understand why she has to be different, and why she can’t be accepted for she who really is. Today, our society is no different than the one Janet is living because we put more importance in the outer beauty than the inner beauty. People believe the answer to have a happy life and be accepted is beauty. Television is the number one source to create a false image among society. People believe a false image is what really matters. For example, fashion models portray a false image by being skinny, fashionable and using a lot of makeup.  This false image creates conflicts among the youth making them believe they are not beautiful and creating low self steam. I believe beauty is not what you see in the mirror, and everybody is beautiful in their own way.  People shouldn’t be treated different just because they look different. We live in a society where we have multiple cultures and ethnicities, but it doesn’t make us different. We should learn to love our self and accept who we really are because at the end nobody is perfect.

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