Sunday, September 30, 2018

Save the Salton Sea

Saving the Salton Sea
            In the article “California Far from Solution as Salton Sea Crisis Looms,” the authors described how the Salton Sea in the Imperial Valley is rapidly shrinking causing health problem. As the sea shrinks, it would create respiratory problems that would affect cities as far as San Diego and Coachella. California government has a preventing plan to reduce the fast shrinking of the sea and protect the fauna, but so far, nothing has been done. Residents who lives around the sea are frustrated with government official because they haven’t done anything, and their children are getting sick with respiratory health problems like Asthma. Imperial County has the highest rate of Asthma, and as the sea shrinks respiratory issues would increase. The Dust created by high winds would not only cause health issues but create an economical reduction of tourism to the Coachella area. The conservation of the Salton Sea is vital for the benefits of people around, and protection of the fauna.


Today, people are overusing natural resources without noticing the negative impact that is causing to our planet. Each year, more air pollution, water contamination and trash, are accumulating affecting our ecosystem. Contamination is something that people need to take seriously. My brother taught me we can make the difference little by little.   My brother is a person wo cares about others, loves the environment, and cares about the future of this planet. Growing up, he was mocked for being different and caring for the environment. He was always involved in the Arts and environmental movements. He knew the importance of recycling and protecting our ecosystem. He joined several environmental movements in Mexicali, and through his art, he expressed the importance being conscientious about the use of natural resources. He used his gift of art to express the issues in our environment. He held several art expositions throughout the Imperial Valley spreading awareness of these issues. The first time I went to one of his art expositions, I saw the real issues the world is facing. I felt proud of my brother’s accomplishments. Through his Art, I was able to make changes to better the outcome of our future planet.

Community Profile

Anecdote- Faces of Imperial

            Couple years back, I was looking for a job as an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) and a friend told me about this company in Indio CA that were hiring. I had never been to Indio before. Even though it was far from home I needed a job quickly and I was willing to commute for the job. I ask my oldest brother Israel to come with me since he knew the road and the area. The next day, we started driving to Indio. We took Hwy 86 North the easiest and faster way. As we past Brawley City and Westmorland I started to notice an unusual smell. At first, I tried to ignore it, but every mile we drove. The smell was getting stronger and hard to ignore. It smelled like rotten old fish, a similar smell you would find on the beach. For a second, it thought it was a dead animal at the side of the road, or even old forgotten food inside my car. It was something unusual because all around me was just farm fields and desert. In the distance miles away into the desert, it appeared what it looked like a lake. It spread from miles long and wide. I had never seen something like that so close to the Valley. I ask my brother if he knew something about it and he told it wasn’t a lake. In fact, it was a sea, The Salton Sea. He told me is a dying sea that is polluted, drying up, and nobody is doing nothing about it. He told everything he knew about the sea, and how is affecting our ecosystem. He also explained to me how contamination overall is killing our ecosystem.

My brother has always been a person who care about the environment and is related to the Arts. He is very good painting and he expresses environmental issues through his paintings. He had held art exposition where he addresses environmental issues that affects not only our valley, but the whole world. Through him I was able to learn the importance of the environment, and prevention. Because of my brother, I had learned to recycle, and how to do my part by protecting the fauna. Today, my brother is still painting and exploring different ways to create awareness of the issues that are affecting us all. Now, every time I drove by the Salton Sea I remember my brother efforts, and that we still need to work hard for the preservation of our natural resources and environment.

Book of My Past

"A Confederacy of Dunes"
The novel from by past is “A Confederacy of Dunes” by John Kennedy Toole. I started reading this book by the begging of last year. This book was given to me as a gift by a good friend, for let her stay at my apartment for several days while she visited her family. She knew I just finished a book, and I had no other book to read. Also, she knew I started a reading habit to better my vocabulary and writing. When she left, as a way of saying thank you, she gave me the book. At first, I didn’t recognize the book, and I had never heard of it, but the colorful cover was appealing, and had good reviews on the back cover. Right away, I started reading the book, and for my surprise is was very interesting, and funny. Every day, for the next two month I read the book at home and work. I carried the book everywhere I went.  The novel is about a childish grown old man name Ignatius J. Reilly who still lives with her mother. He spends most of his time writing, but her mother wants him to get out of the house and get a real job. He believes there is no good job for him and prefers to stay home and enjoy pleasures of life. He is lazy, arrogant, selfish, and doesn’t care for other. One day, his mother convinces him to get a job. He worked on several different job, and every single time he manipulates people around him to do his work. He doesn’t care about the consequences of his accts and people get affected by them. One day, all his plans start falling apart when people around him really started to know him. Consequently, he is thrown in jail and nobody believes a word of what he says. He ends ups alone, and even his mother believes he is going insane. Rapidly and with no time to waste he escapes town to avoid persecution. I really enjoyed this book, and still remembered it because it brought me laugh and a good time. I would strongly recommend this novel for anybody who wonts to have a good time and expand their vocabulary. I would say this is the best novel I have ever read.