Friday, June 8, 2018

Border Line Personality

Border Line Personality
Border Line Personality Disorder is a condition that characterized by difficulty regulating emotions.  BLP disorder affect people by not able to cope with stress causing them to lose themselves in deep emotions. These individuals have trouble getting back to their normal mental status and tent to express stress by dangerous behavior. Each individual is different and the reaction varies from the stressor. Susanna have this same condition, she get lost in her own emotions after she doesn’t get was she wants or something triggered her. For example, as her wisdom tooth was removed she was sedated and she didn’t know how long she was sedated and how much times her procedure took. For her time is valuable because she believe something has been taken from her. As she couldn’t get an answer, she got anxious and started to cry. In other occasion, she started to bite her hand to see if she had bones inside her and not just skin. She wanted to see if she was herself and not somebody else. Personally, as a Paramedic I have encountered people with this condition. Once an individual is focus and triggered is hard for them to get back into reality. Is like you are speaking to the wall and they don’t care what is going around them. Most of the times because of their violent reactions, I have to sedate them to transport them to the hospital safely.

Airport Screeners Could See X-rated X-Ray

Airport Screeners Could See X-rated X-ray
In the article “Airport Screeners Could See X-rated X-rays,” Joe Sharkey states airport screeners violates personal privacy and is not really efficient against treats. Sharkey believes X-rays screeners is not and efficient method of providing security in the air port, and no matter how extensive is the security system there are always a way to violate security. I disagree.  X-rays scanners are essential and needed for the security of all air ports. X-rays screeners would bring a safer atmosphere to passengers and will eliminate possible treats against people. Although X-rays screeners would keep people safe, it would violate personal privacy.
First of all, X-rays screeners are a needed and essential tool in all airports for the protection of all people. Today, we live in a world of constant political instability. Treats and attacks had been made in all parts of the world killing thousands of innocent people. For example, The United States is a primary target for terrorist attacks which creates fear among passengers.  X-rays screeners would not only help stop terrorist trying to smuggle explosives or weapons that could kill thousands of people, but  It would create a safer atmosphere among passengers knowing that each person has to be screener. According to Homeland Security Department, X-rays screeners are necessary because normal metal detectors did a miserable job detecting explosive artifacts or weapons concealed in carry-on bags or on the bodies of undercover agents.  Also, it would help stop drug smugglers that are related with drug Cartels. For instance, I had travel several occasions in and out of the USA, and knowing that each person has to be screener and meticulous check. It makes me feel safer and protected.
On the other hand, walking through X-rays screeners violates the privacy of each passenger. Privacy and technology consultant Bill Scannell said, “Well, You’ll see basically everything.” He states screeners show a person anatomy in detail, so whoever is watching the screen is able to see you completely naked. It doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree, if you are traveling you would need to pass through the X-rays scanner, so people can be safer. Security expert, Mr.Elson argues no matter how many X-rays screener’s airport uses, terrorist or other treats would always found holes in the security system. In other words, screeners are not really necessary and efficient for the protection of people. For instance, only when I travel back to the USA I encountered long security checkpoint that takes hours to pass creating only delays. Once, you get to the checkpoint they make you take off your shoes, personal belonging and makes you walk through the X-rays scanner. It makes you feel like if you are some sort of terrorist or criminal. All personal can see you literally with clothes and without clothes with no minimal concern of your privacy. 
Today, we live in a world of constant political instability, treats, and attacks that kill thousands of innocent people each year. Unfortunately, there is nothing that we can do about past attacks. However, we can prevent it from happening with X-ray screeners. I strongly believe security systems in airport should be constantly changing and evolving for the protection of people. X-rays scanners are an essential tool of preventing future attacks or other treats that can create chaos among innocent travelers. People should learn that is more value and important to prevent an attack and to safe a live over minimal privacy issues. Again, I believe It is better to be safe than sorry.