Friday, December 1, 2017

Woodstock: Love for Life

In 1969, the idea of Woodstock came from two business men, and a festival organizer with the idea to plan a three day festival with the best Rock n Roll n bands of the time.(Woodstock, bibliography.) The purpose of the festival was to collect enough money to open a record studio. By the beginning of the festival, organizers had sold 180,000 tickets and expected no more than 200,000 people. As the festival was promoted by the media, more than 400,000 people arrived at the festival gates creating chaos. Organizers afraid of not controlling the crowd had no option to make the festival free of charge.
Woodstock is best known for its support for social justice and opposition to the Vietnam War.  The festival was a place to overcome obstacles, freedom, expression, peace and love. Illegal drugs took a big role in the festival. For example, many musicians used them for inspiration and expressing opposition. Although the hippie era ended, the Woodstock spirit has not disappeared. New festivals as the Coachella music and arts festival keeps the Woodstock spirit with new Rock n Roll bands, technology, widespread of illegal drugs and political opposition.  As today, the Woodstock spirit still continues and would keep spreading in new generations.
By Sunday of August 17, 1969, Woodstock had reached his maximal capacity and young hippies full of life and ready to express their emotions through music. On the other hand, people outside the festival didn’t agree with it. They saw hippies as bunch of criminals. Max Yasgur who provided his land for the festival saw Woodstock in a different way. As Yasgur was invited to stage, he stated, “I didn’t know how to speak to 20 people, much less all of you… you are the largest group of people ever assembled in one place at one time….we had no idea there would be this many…and you have proven something to the world… that half a million kids can get together for fun and music and have nothing but fun and music.” I believe Max Yasgur illustrate the true nature of the festival.  He gives a new prospective from someone who was not part of the hippie culture. Yasgur saw only happiness and was able to understand what the festival was all about.

The article “Woodstock” describes how the festival became important in the hippie culture. Author Jan Hodenfield states hippies saw the festival as an opportunity of expression, and opposition against what society fails to understand. By the end of the festival, Woodstock was seen as big success for the hippie culture. Hodenfield believes hippies came to the festival looking for a lifestyle that nobody seems to understand. Hodenfield said, “They came, it seems, to enjoy their own society to exult in a life style that is its own declaration of independence.” I believe Woodstock was a festival for hippie expression, and lifestyle that nobody seemed to comprehend. Hippies were not seen as good citizens; therefore, they didn’t have a place for expression. Woodstock was a big opportunity to gather in one place with other people who shared the same thoughts. The festival was not only for their music, but for their freedom.

Yoli’s Love

In the novel “Motorcycle Ride On the Sea of Tranquility,’’ Patricia Santana describes the experiences and emotions  of a 14 year old Yolanda (Yoli) Shagun growing up in a traditional Mexican American family living in San Diego California in 1969. The author emphasis on how hard was for Yoli to saw her favorite brother Chuy changed in a mysterious way after coming back from the Vietnam War. Yoli knew something was wrong with his lovely and favorite brother Chuy at her welcome back surprise party. ”Hi Chuy,” I said, hesitant, shy. Why did it seem he wasn’t really looking at me, his favorite sister? “yhea, hi,” he said, barely touching my hand, a disconnected handshake.”(pg 13) Chuy was obviously affected by the Vietnam War, and was showing all the signs and symptoms for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder cause by the War. Yoli didn’t understand at first what really happened to him in the horrifying, and loneliness Vietnam War, but she had one thing clear, and was to help his brother Chuy be himself again.
                Chuy was everything for Yoli, because she knew how Chuy think, and all the experience they share growing up in Conifer Street. They both look up for each other like that time Chuy had a Go-cart and needed to be tested. From all the kids around he chose Yoli, because he knew she was big enough for the task. At first Yoli didn’t understand why he choose her, but she was not going to let her brother down. As she went in high speed through down the street she felt the wind on her hair, the power of the engine on the pedal, and the feeling of having everything under control. Unfortunately, she crashed the Go-cart. As everybody gather to help her she could only see Chuy, and said, “You did good, Yoli.” “Really good.”  Yoli could tell from the proud grin on his face that he knew I had felt the freedom. (pg 26) Yoli saw how import she was for Chuy, and that they had more than a blood bond.
                Yoli wanted to help his favorite brother to be as he was before the war, so they can both share and experience the same feeling they had growing up.  As she cleaned his brother’s room she found a Japanese wooden box that belonged to Chuy. Inside the box there were some unknown pills. At that moment, for a second she could understand the pills were the reason why Chuy was acting aggressive, and mysterious. Yoli knew she had to speak to El Chango, Chuy’s best friend. She took her bike, and ride in late hours to Imperial Beach where el Chango worked at a pool bar. As she could, she was able to find el chango. As she showed the pills to el chango, he wasn’t surprise. El change said, “It’s not the drugs... It’s not the drugs that got them this way.” “There’s an anger, or rage, or something in his actions that goes deeper than drugs.” (pg 180)
                She remembered all the times Chuy was aggressive like the time she insulted Socorro, and told her “old lady wetback.” Why don’t you back to Mexico where you belong?” Not only insulting poor Socorro, but all the Mexican culture. “Damn wetbacks, all of you,” “Goddam gooks is what you are.” (pg149) Yoli wouldn’t give up on Chuy like the rest of the family did. She knew deep inside Chuy had a chance to change.  She just needed to reach more into Chuy feeling like the time Chuy invited her to ride on his motorcycle. They ride to down town San Diego, and to the new Coronado Bridge. They went to places she had never been before, but what really showed how Chuy was emotional hurt was stopping at Donna’s house. Her lovely girlfriend who he was engaged too, but end up getting pregnant and living him while he was at Vietnam.  As they both stud outside the house Chuy shouted with all the fury and strength he could muster, “Doonnaaaa.” (pg.143) Chuy subconsciously showed how he really felt, and how depressed he was.

Chuy’s PTSD change how Yoli think, because she loved her favorite brother, and wanted to help him be himself again, and restore everything as it was before the war.  As Yoli grew up she saw how his brother was losing friends, family and himself. It was to her to help him out, for the bond they had growing up. Today, millions of people suffered from PTSD, and is something that shouldn’t be ignored. Many people that come from war suffered as Chuy did, and it’s up to us to help them be themselves again. 


Marijuana or weed as most people know it is a plant that is used for mental and body stimulation when being smoked or ingested. For many years marijuana has been an illegal drug. Recently, a law was passed to legalized marijuana in some states. The State of California is one of the first states to legalized marijuana to a certain level. Some people believe marijuana should be legalized in all states because it has health, mental, economical and spiritual benefits. Conservative people believe marijuana creates health issues, violence, and promotes crime. I believe marijuana has some medicinal benefits when is prescribed by a Physician and used properly, but it should not be legalized because it is a depressant stimulant that would only create health issues and fatalities. Although, marijuana have a lot of benefits it should not be legalized because if not used properly can ruined a person life.
First of all, People believe marijuana should be legalized in all United States, and it should be for all ages because it has health benefits. In recent years, marijuana has been used to treat psychological disorders like Parkinson’s disease, Depression, Anxiety, Tourettes and others diseases. It helps control involuntary movement, language or thinking by relaxing muscles and mind. For example, my friends who had acute Anxiety disorder was always having several random Anxiety episodes. He would take some pills to calm himself down, but the pills would not help him. As his Anxiety episodes were getting severe his private Physician prescribed him medicinal marijuana. Since the first day he smoked marijuana he has been able to control his Anxiety episodes and live a normal life.  People believe marijuana would decrease crime and would create a better economy. If marijuana could be legalized completely, gangs and organize crime groups would not have marijuana to traffic with, and all the money wasted to stop them would be used in other ways.  Additionally, it would create jobs and the economy would increase.  People don’t see marijuana as an illegal drug, but as medicine and economy of the future.
On the other hand, marijuana can be dangerous for a person life because it had depressant effects, and causes mental problems like decrease mental orientation and alertness. Smoking marijuana can cause respiratory diseases like cancer, or other respiratory issues.  People who are under the marijuana influence have decreased orientation, interaction, reason, and slow to response. For example, I have a friend who used to smoked marijuana almost every day. When he was under the influence or “high” he was slow to respond and his orientation was compromised. He was not able to make rational decisions, focus and he was always in trouble. Consequently, he became addicted to marijuana, and gradually he started using other sources of drugs because marijuana was not a strong stimulant anymore. Slowly he become lost in drugs and he loose family, friends and education. Additionally, legalizing marijuana would only give free access to drug dealers to manipulate marijuana for their own benefit.
Today, the use of marijuana has been a controversial topic for many years, and is a topic with multiple opinions. People strongly believe marijuana has helped millions, and could help more if legalized, but at the same time it has kill, and lead to drug addiction too millions. I believe Legislation should pass a law prohibiting public selling of marijuana, and should be only used if prescribed by a Physician.  People should understand that marijuana is a drug with multiple depressant effects and should only be used with extreme caution, and under medical supervision. Marijuana is a drug that can control a person life and how we want to control a drug if the drug controls us?

Superman vs. The Hulk


In an endless battle to stop the Hulk from destroying Metropolis city, Superman battles the Hulk. Initially, Superman tries to persuading the Hulk to stop fighting and avoid destroying the city. He tries convincing the Hulk because he doesn’t what to hurt him. Ignoring Superman words, the Hulk wanted to battle Superman to show him he is not afraid of no cape man. Meanwhile, the Hulk grabbed a big heavy piece of construction equipment. Next, he raised it over his head and violently throws it to Superman at high speed. Luckily, Superman avoids a direct hit by destroying the massive object with one strong solid right punch. At that moment Superman knew the incredible strength of the Hulk. As soon as Superman blocks the attack, the Hulk with his enormous strength throws himself at Superman. Consequently, Superman gets violently tackled and causing them to go thru a solid brick building wall. Immediately, Superman knew the Hulk wasn’t going to be an easy opponent to defeat. As a result, the battle continued for hours destroying half of the city and with most of Superman strength. As a last resort, Superman focuses all his energy left on his powerful laser eye vision attack. Finally, with a single accurate hit to the chest the Hulk was stopped and defeated.   

Social Network

Social Networking is a tool that provides connection and accessibility of information for people to use around the world via internet. Social media like facebook, twitter, and snap chat are easy, fast and free web site that provides fast communication.  I use facebook as a way of communicating with old friends that live far away or haven’t seen for a long time.  However, fast, accessible and easy information can be time consuming, dangerous or use with wrong intentions. Therefore, users should use it be carefully. Although Social networking can help people make their life easier, if not use properly it can be a dangerous tool.
                First of all, social networking gives easy access and opportunity to people to be involved in the new era of technology. Social media like facebook offers connection with family and friends. Also, social networking gives a lot of information to keep people updated in the latest news and events. For example, I use facebook to communicate with old friends that live far away or I haven’t seen for a long time. Before, I had no way of communication with my old friends because I didn’t have their phone numbers or addresses. Now, with a simple click I can communicate with them. Additionally, the vast variety of information that is available makes our life easier. For example, as a student I am always searching for the newest articles for my essays, and having fast access to information helps me finish my assignment faster and on time. Social networking is the best way to stay connected and updated, it is a tool for success. 
                On the other hand, social networking if not use carefully can have negative effects on a person life.  Social media is an easy tool for people to see and use your personal information for wrong intents. For example, facebook is an easy way people can see and know about your personal life because people are constantly posting pictures of themselves or given to mush personal information. Unfortunately, this information can be used by someone else to violate a person personal life. Once you post a picture or a message on any social media is on the internet for ever and there is no way to take it back. Additionally, people can get overwhelm with all the easy and fast information they can find. People don’t take the time to validate the source and assume or believe all the information in the internet is true. For example, I am always searching for the most recent News on social media, but most of the times I would encountered an article that is not updated or with false information. All the false information affects me because it only creates confusion and doubt. People should think twice before using the social network because is a dangerous tool.   

                Social network is a tool that is changing the world. People should learn to use it smarter and carefully. The internet can help you in different ways like communication and searching for information, but if not use carefully it can take you to dark places. I believe the way people need to use social networking is by reading everything carefully and thinking twice when posting something in social media. A small mistake can change a person life. Social networking is growing and changing the way we interact in our daily life, but the real question is if it going to control us?

Stop Treating Students Like Criminals

In the article, “Stop Treating Students Like Criminals” by Ron Crickenbarger, the author states students of American public high schools should not get random drug testing. Crickenberger believes schools should not have power to obligate random drug testing under assumed reasonable cause because it is humiliating, unconstitutional, and insulting. I agree with the author because students have rights and it is a minimal number of students who uses drugs. Students should not be blamed for the small percentage.  Although mandatory drug testing is for the benefit and safety for students, treating students like criminals would only create division among students and staff.
Students should feel safe coming to school every day. Implementing drug testing on students would be beneficial for a safe learning environment. Drug testing would help identify students who use illegal drugs and help them rehabilitate with discipline. As a result, drug testing would create a safer school environment. For example, when I was in high school there was a student who used marijuana every day.  He was never on time to class, he smelled like marijuana, and he was never focused in class causing a distraction for other students. Until one day, he was called by the principal and a drug test was performed on him. His drug test was positive and he eventually was removed for our class. I believe, random drug testing should be allow when there is obvious reason for it, but not just for reasonable cause.
However, students have the right to come to school without feeling like criminals. Drug testing will only bring humiliation, intimidation and threat to a student education. Students learn and interact better with teachers and staff when they know they are being treated like a person. According to Lindsay, a student who was forced to urinated on a cup while a teacher listened outside the restroom door. She described the experience as “humiliating”. I believe school has no right to oblige students on drug testing, because it would only divide students from teachers and would interfere with their education.  Additionally, no drug test should be done unless an investigation has been performed and the student is found guilty.  For example, when I was in high school I never used any illegal drug, and I was asked to give a urine test in order to be in the Tennis team. As I am doing the drug test in a clinic, I felt intimidated, because I could felt and see people in the clinic looking at me as if I was guilty or a drug user. I believe students have rights and drug testing is unconstitutional.  Drug testing would only bring negative effects on student’s education.

I believe schools should not have power to obligate random drug testing under assumed reasonable cause on students. Drug testing would only create intimidation, humiliation and conflict among students and teachers. Additionally, treating students like criminals would only create a hostile environment and interfere with student’s education. I suggest drug testing should be done only when there is a detail investigation on a student. If students are treated with respect schools will be a better place for everybody.